Press & Expert Commentary

Resolution-Worthy Beauty Products for 2018.

Interview with Hillary Clark.

San Francisco Chronicle

Hot 20 under 40 Issue

Hillary Clark & Blush Beauty featured in 'Beauty 911' Article

Blush Beauty Featured as 'Best in Beauty Directory'

"Cheek stain. It lets you cheat and look like you've been on vacation. I use Lorac Sheer Wash- it's sweatproof and swimproof." -Hillary Clark

DO pick a powder blush if you have normal skin. "It's the easiest to start with because it blends so well- like blush training wheels," explains Hillary Clark,'s West Coast Makeup Artist.

"Paltrow's bright pink cheek effect is a huge attention grabber- it gets men going on a primal level and makes them wonder what you have been up to," says Hillary Clark, a San Francisco based makeup artist.